Optimization Service
Leverage your existing software to meet today’s business challenges
Most people buy software products for their business and typically use about 20% of the product. Over time, this means you are paying for things you are not using. When you use the Optimization Services from Lloyd Business IT Solutions, we examine your current business needs, business strategy and processes to determine how you can be getting more from the software you have already purchased.
Before you search for new software for a new business requirement, check your closet.
It’s a little bit like going shopping in your closet for a new shirt. You know all those old clothes at the back you forgot about? Well they could be suddenly in style and ready to wear. So is the functionality in your current software investment.
Sometimes all it takes are a fresh set of eyes to figure out how to make that old shirt look good.
Whether your investment has been in CRM, ERP or Office 365 in the Cloud, there is a good chance your evolving and growing business could benefit from a new approach to automating business processes and chances are it can be done with the software you already have.
Keeping Up with Market Adjustments
Optimization Services from Lloyd Business Solutions are also useful when the market vertical you play in is shifting. Perhaps new competitors have entered the market, or you want to expand in a new vertical. New market opportunities create new ways to deliver your products and services and your technology platform needs to keep up.
When you run your business on the Microsoft platform, it allows you to adjust your technology and bring on new tools or products that can adapt to market changes or business changes.
Let us help you map out new processes and automate approvals, notifications and information flow from one department to another. We are small business IT solution providers that can help you review your existing software to make sure you are running the right software for your business. Reduce costs, optimize productivity and streamline processes. Let us help you tie your business together and create the right IT spend that provides you maximum productivity at the best cost.
Three steps to Optimize your IT investment:
- Inventory what you’ve got
- Do a Fit Gap Analysis
- Prepare an Action Plan

Book a call with our President and Funding Expert, Dan Kaltiainen to see if you are ready for digital transformation. We understand the realities of doing business in the north.